Portal from Facebook
3167 results found
Ability to disable superframe!
Please give us the ability to disable and enable superframe voluntarily.
7 votes -
Please add Mixer App
Please add mixer app, the superframe keeps popping up and can’t watch the gameplay. Make my portal a game changer!!
4 votes -
Wake screen with voice command
You should be able to say hey portal, show me the last thing I was looking at (browser, app, etc) without having to touch the screen to wake
4 votes -
It would be great to see a notification on the Portal for missed calls.
Currently there is no feature to let the user know if they missed a call while they were out. It would be great for people like my grandmother to know if we called them. She doesn't have a smart phone and this device is the best way for us to call her. Please consider this in the future. Thanks.
6 votes -
add more effects
add more effects I have the same ones while others have different effects
3 votes -
video chat while watching movies and videos
video chat while watching movies and videos
9 votes -
9 votes
Allow Portal to acquire the Amazon Music app. Since Alexa does work with this app, please apply it to Portal. Thank you!
Allow Portal to acquire the Amazon Music app. Since Alexa does work with this app, please apply it to Portal. Thank you!
29 votes -
Connectvitiy for better speed and health
Please consider adding a direct connect ethernet option while disabiling WiFi and Bluetooth with no functionality loss. Functional and Integrative Medicine Doctors are aware of the science behind cellular and mitocondrial damage due to WiFi and Bluetooth
Thanks for the consideration
6 votes -
Superframe - no videos
I want to option to turn off videos in Superframe, I only want to see pictures.
6 votes -
Shuffle Superframe
Need to allow Superframe to shuffle pics. Tired of seeing the same ones again and again.
21 votes -
Swivel screen follows you as you walk around
Looks like the camera follows you as you walk around the place, but the screen doesn’t. They could see me but I may not be able to see them. Would be nice if the screen / base could swivel back and forth as one walks from one side of the room to another. Could top up or down towards your face / view as you move around, stand, sit down.
6 votes -
New ideas
When clicking on a favorited person profile pic, a screen would appear where you could have a couple of options: click on that person's profile, be able to send them a message through messenger, or video chat. Including the portal owners profile.
Would be nice if Facebook and Messenger were downloadable apps that you could receive notification dings for.
Thank you for making this product. We purchased for my mom. She loves that the icons are big and it is easy to navigate. The set-up is super easy and the product is not so overwhelming for individuals that really just…
3 votes -
Install Adobe Flash Player for Multimedia Streaming Websites like Xfinity
Unable to watch website multimedia that requires flash. Come on guys this is a necessity, it’s 2019...
4 votes -
Allow us to create and share Facebook Photo albums to other Portals
We'd love to be able to share photos of our baby on the Superframe of my parents' Portal. It would be great to be able to do that or to have a shared photo album their Superframe can access without having to tag their Facebook account in every photo.
4 votes -
Allow clock / weather display options when screen times out. FIxed or animated.
Allow clock / weather display options when screen times out.
48 votes -
Enable Alexa-compatible electrical appliances
Many household electrical appliance, for example, washing machine, oven, microwave. Owner of these devices invested in smarthome and definitely expect all Alexa-Buit-in products to integrate well with their Alexa-compatible smarthome.
10 votes -
30 votes
Continuous video play
Ability to enable continuous video play for apps with video content. CNN, Newsy, FB watch etc. Will stop after playing one clip. Would like continuous play opinion.
5 votes -
More game options (board, card, etc)
Would love the ability to play other games like chess, checkers, poker, blackjack, backgammon, dominos, othello/go, connect 4, tic-tac-toe, etc with either offline, Internet, or with your video chat companion.
21 votes
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