Allow Alexa calling
Allow Alexa calling through this device . Alexa allows free calling, Lets us choose what calling program we want to use portal or Alexa. Make it a open platform and sales will go through the roof!
Facetime features are great
Thanks for the suggestion! Our team appreciates your understanding while we work to evaluate and prioritize all feedback!
Andrew Fudge commented
This would make the device too popular haha! It would be very useful.
whitney k commented
Please add this so it is compatible to call other devices. I’m not sure how Alexa can be built into the portal but calling not allowed. My sons grandpa doesn’t use Facebook so our only option is to talk on his echo show- which we currently can’t do.
Yogesh Mhatre commented
+1 on this feature
Rebecca Saleman commented
Rebecca Saleman commented
Fred commented
If it helps, I'll add my plea for this again. My wife has problems saying "Hey Portal Answer". A drop in feature would make it sooooooo much easier. She has already missed two calls from my brother and sister-in-law because I was not around at the time they called and she couldn't answer with the correct responce.
We also own Echo Shows and our grandchildren have permission t drop in and this has made it so much easier. But not everyone has the Echo and I gave my brother a Portal a few months ago since it is easier to set up and operate.
The Portal has a lot of advantages over the Echo Show. This one feature, "DROP IN" would allow it to have a big jump in features vs. the Echo Show.
Jake Ward commented
Please Please Pleeeaase! I have several family members who already have a echo show and because of this, they have told me they would never buy a portal. I would love to be able to call them without having to convince them to invest $100-200 in a new device. If this became a feature, I honestly would use my portal everyday, as opposed to maybe once a month.... Another possible solution to this problem would be adding a messenger app to Alexa's library. It would be way easier to convince these family members to download or even purchase an app than it would to convince them to buy a whole new device.
Brandon Zachary commented
I wouod like to use both facebook portal calling for video and Alexa for phone calls when I'm at home. It would feel more like a home phone.
Chris Cooke commented
Please allow this.
I am interested in the Portal+, but since the rest of my family/friends use Echo/Echo Show the lack of Alexa calling is a deal breaker.
Judith Meyer commented
Family members have Alexa Device. I would like to contact my grandson with a Portal.
Mike Tort commented
Make alexa calls please
Angela commented
Currently I have an Amazon Alexa for both my grandson and I, however the portal looks as if it would be wonderful to buy for my grandson so I may watch his crazy toddler moves. The set back is that I would need to buy us both a new device if the Portal doesn't work with Amazons Alexa. This is like saying I can only call a person with the same smartphone as I have, technology should be more compatible. You can make this happen Facebook :)
Paulette Testani commented
My daughter has an Echo Show which is Alexa enabled. I would love to be able to call her on it. Please consider this for a future update. Thanks.
Scott Thatcher commented
It could at least be nice to receive incoming Alexa calls for those who have an Echo Show and not a Portal.
Zyfihx, user in France/Switzerland commented
Calling with Alexa on the portal could perfectly be added along the existing messenger calling which is probably more useful for now anyways !
Drop in would be amazing as well ! -
Anonymous commented
Alexa should allow you to call from the app. Or maybe there should be an app we can add