Please enable Alexa drop in
Drop in is a huge feature in our home. I need the drop in feature so I can fully replace my echo. Thanks
Brenda Kenyon commented
We want the ability to check in on our pets while away from home.
Danny Ferri commented
Why isn't this a feature yet? This is essential. Google has it. I'll need to return this if we don't get this feature!
Tomiko Michelle commented
I am tempted to return my portal! I can talk to everyone outside of my house and I can talk to no one inside of the house!!! Please add the drop in feature! I am now back to yelling upstairs instead of dropping in!!! A big headache!!!!!!
Adam Aldana commented
Please add Alexa drop in feature on portal.
Gary Kirk commented
Looking for what to buy for myself and elderly parent. Drop in is essential to the decision. Has this feature been added yet? Remember, for every one asking there will be at least 2 units sold when it's available.
Lisa Powers commented
I agree, just bought 2 portals to replace the alexa's and the drop in facility is an essential
Don Mitchell commented
Please add the drop in feature. I bought this to check on my quaker parrot when we travel. Our friends have Alexa devices. We figured this would have the drop in feature. But doesn't seen to be anywhere. May return the device.
Stefano Fabi commented
I agree with all the voters. I own the portal and I like it but the auto answer feature is missing. That would really needed to allow me to call my old parents.
Flo FloChaz commented
Henri Straforelli commented
This is the only feature that is missing that I can buy a Portal for my elderly parent. He is not able to answer calls (he gets confused, with dementia), and the auto-answer ("drop-in") function is critical.
I currently use an echo show for him, but it is too complicated. I want to switch to Portal, but I can't do that unless it's possible to automatically connect the incoming call since he can't answer it on his own.
Melissa Ann Sharpless commented
GET A DROP IN OR INTERCOM SYSTEM! It should be a skill enabled in Alexa! I can see my cameras so why can’t we get this going…. Is it even underway? I willl be returning portals if it doesn’t get approved soon.
Leo Lei commented
I have since then moved on to the new Echo Show 10 which can do a mechanical rotation and follow the face, and of course has the drop in feature. It’s been life changing so far for talking to my elderly remotely.
Other than occasional failure of losing track of the person moving (which can be simply fixed by switching to the camera mode and controlling the rotation), I’d really highly recommend everyone to get that instead!
Roland Osborne commented
Would also love drop in! Useful for security in my second home
Leo Lei commented
I have now purchased the Amazon Echo Show 10 which comes with a mechanical object following arm that moves the camera. I’ve waited for two years for a device that can follow the face as well as drop in. Cant wait for it to arrive!
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! Checking on elderly unable to answer on their own ( dementia or feeble voice or not mobile enough to touch answer) or pets in home is needed!!!
Jared Thomson commented
Should be added for authenticated users from Alexa or Portal app and other Portals. I’d like to be able to see my own house when away or drop in on my Grandma if she’s having trouble answering.
Grace Woods-Puckett commented
Auto-answering appears to be one of the single biggest vote getters on UserVoice! C'mon, Portal engineers! The users are voting:
276 votes:
115 votes:
175 votes:
129 votes:
+ several others (11, 15, 8, 21, 6, 5, 5, 6, 16 -- do a search for "auto answer")
and this isn't even including all the other requests for "drop in"...and with this thread at 376 votes (!), that's a total of 1164 votes
OVER A THOUSAND VOTES! Imagine how happy you will make SO MANY people by enabling this feature. It would make a fantastic ad campaign, and then I'd trade in my Echo Show.
Anonymous commented
Really need this drop-in feature for an elderly relative that loves to chat on her portal but cant reach it or have enough voice to answer.
GardenGal commented
I would like this on the Portal also. I have Amazon Echo and these are useful in their own way. Amazon Echo will play music within its own app. Portal requires me to add a secondary app to play music. If I want to watch home video on the Portal it has to be sent as a video message to me. There is no way to upload home video on the Portal, but on the Echo show I can load videos through an SD card to play on the Echo Show screen.
Anonymous commented
As many have already said, we need to have drop in enabled to communicate with elderly relatives unable to use the controls. They are isolated in care homes, family can't visit and they desperately need the interaction. Facebook: urgent action is required!