Rechargeable battery that snaps onto the bottom of the Portal
This would allow you to be able to move throughout different rooms of the home without have to unplug the unit and disconnect the call and it would also add extra weight to avoid tipping over.

Larry Shannon commented
I hate the ‘stick’ power supply on back of unit. Would it be possible to have a unit that is shorter to allow reasonable flexibility for placement of Portal 10”?
Diane Workman commented
The term Portal Go, is deceiving. Please get a battery so you can GO away from the plug in. It's also a very short cord.
DD commented
This is 2021. How can a portal not be portable? I just assumed it had a battery, didn’t even bother checking before buying. It is a great device otherwise, I’ll return now and wait for a version with battery.
Anonymous commented
Thanks to all for alerting me to this before wasting my money. I wanted to buy a couple to keep in touch with an elderly relative. No battery is a killer, I may as well use an old laptop!
Anonymous commented
Is there a Rechargeable battery that snaps onto the bottom of the Portal available for purchase?
if not that would be a fantastic idea. -
Margarita commented
Do I have to keep the plug to Portal plugged in sock when I’m not using it or keep it plugged in at all times
Chachi commented
Totally Agree and Yes, USB Power Plug, USB Connect, Share from phone to Portal
Anonymous commented
Alternate suggestion is to use microusb for power source so that available backup power solutions could be utilized.
Serena Urdiales commented
This is SUPER disappointing that it has to stay plugged into an outlet to function. That means, in most cases, it would have to be fairly close to a wall, and when in reality, I would imagine, most people would be moving it to a central location in a room to make video calls, or move around the kitchen if using it for recipes, or other things like that. We purchased three for Christmas presents and unfortunately we will have to return them because of this feature, or lack there of. The cord is not long enough to reach from our wall to our coffee table, which is where we do most of our video calling with my family. I just can't believe that Facebook engineers or design team didn't consider this a functionality that most people would want. Do better Facebook.
Jessi commented
Would also keep my child from accidentally getting caught in the cords and toppling it over
Eric commented
I bought one of the 1st Portals and I offered this idea months ago. When are they actually going to offer this !
Joe Sanchez commented
Yes.. just a 5 minute battery to allow a move without rebooting is all that is needed.
Marie commented
Could Portal have a battery powered capability so I can still video call and unplug the Portal to take it with me on the drive to work or take it outside while video chatting.
Swapnil Gupta commented
Its very good for video calls especially with kids who dont sit at one place lol :-) i wish it had an inbuilt battery too making it more mobile. Dependency to power cable is a negative for me but else is good
Theophane Mayaud commented
Yup, that works too, it's just not as fast ! And it's only viable if you have a plug near where you wanna go 😉
And I guess battery on a lot of appliances is just for convenience. You don't actually need a battery on your laptop, as long as you just turn it off, move to a new location, and plug it in ! 😅It's just way less convenient. And doesn't work where there isn't a plug nearby 😬 -
Anonymous commented
We just hang up, move to new plug in location and call again. Not very hard to do.
Basel Al-Dosery commented
That should be called Facebook Portalble 😅
Robin Amanda Donnelly commented
We like that it plugs in, but we want a backup battery (like clocks have so that they don't reset the time when a storm knocks power out for awhile). That way, we can move it to a different room without interrupting the call and having to wait for Portal to restart
Anonymous commented
We are camping across the USA and don't always have the ability to plug in. I use it to do my pt training while traveling and so I sometimes can't train due to this issue.
Mimsy commented
I can't believe this isn't already a feature! Is there a power pack that I can install? I'd totally buy that to be able to roam from living room to kitchen!