Ability to randomize superframe photos.
It would be nice to have a toggle option under the superframe settings to allow for the randomization of photos.
Emerson Tiago commented
Please add randomize photos!
Sade Beckley commented
I completely agree
Fafu Pfafflin commented
This is a major fail that this hasn't been addressed and it's now over a year later. Please add randomize photos!!
Dave commented
Also don't subject videos in Superframe to the transition timer. Video's should play completely regardless of video duration.
Anonymous commented
Please add a freaking shuffle
Michael Hartley commented
Still nothing from Facebook. What a disappointment. So easy to fix.
Michael Hartley commented
I am struggling to figure out what the algorithm is. I also think there is a failure to "update" its photo library or queue. I have noticed that if I turn off all photos and reboot the Portal, then re-add the same albums, it will suddenly do a much better job of showing all of them. But as I add photos, the news ones never seem to make it into the rotation unless I repeat that step.
Agree this is coding 101. Should not take more than a day of coding and a week or two of testing.
Anonymous commented
yes please randomize the photos you upload!
Jared Alexander commented
Hoping another comment here will help Facebook give this feature some love. As a software engineer myself, I don’t think this is a heavy lift. Thanks!
Ryan Heyne commented
I agree, the algorithm for superframe is garbage. It will repeat the 12 photos from a folder with 12 images all day while not showing a singles image from a folder with 150 images. The frame feature is a pretty big feature to completely ***** up.
Brett Pyers commented
Ya I basically emptied my, superframe because it showed the same 20 photos over and over again.
Gaurav Kale commented
It is unbelievable that they did not add an option to Shuffle superframe photos. It keeps repeating some of them, while some of them are never shown.