Calendar App support; Google Calendar
If I'm going to have a device sitting around for video calls the ability to have a family calendaring app up when not in call would be huge!

Charisse Tenorio commented
its better we have choices, for a screen display, photos and monthly calendar
Dave Dudek commented
This would be great - to be able to have monthly or weekly events.
Bojan Neskovic commented
Definitely, a full month calendar would be welcome. An option to change clock size too. Thank you.
Juanita Nash commented
How do I add events to my calendar?
Ken Holt commented
i need to see full month calendar please
Etienne Martin commented
Yes please ! we need this
Anonymous commented
I agree! Google calendar App that displays instead of the rotating pictures would be wonderful.
As a workaround, I loaded the google app and pulled up my calendar and then added as a icon. Now when we open the portal we can see our google calendar. Not great, but better than nothing. -
Denise commented
yes!! I would buy 3 more for my house if this would happen! I came to this page just for how to connecting a calendar - dissapointed that it is not already a thing!
gary commented
Is there an easy way to set a reminder one day ahead of an event ? I seem to take so many steps to get reminders set each time.
Anonymous commented
FYI - you can share your google calendar with Alexa, and Alexa can display your calendar on the portal. I am currently trying to figure out how to get notifications from it.
Mohamed Ishmael Belghazi commented
Please add support for google calendar!
Mary McClain commented
Yes! It would be awesome to connect to a google calender/reminder and display reminders alternated with the screensaver photos. My elderly father stares at his portal pictures all day but wouldn't know how to swipe to go to another app...
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have a Calendar App.
Thomas McGlinchey commented
lots of apps on portal why not calendars !!! there must be some way.
Rachelle Bourgault commented
Please make this happen! I just ordered a portal, receiving it this week, and having a digital calendar on the display would be amazing!
Anonymous commented
Personally, the calendar is a feature that would exploit a large sales niche (professionals who need a smart calendar, in addition to home use)
Anonymous commented
If portal sat on my desk it would be great to show my calendar events for the day
Anonymous commented
This should be an easy fix..? Portal tech team, can we get a timeline for this?
Anonymous commented
Yes.! This is definitely what portal needs. Yes the pictures are good to have when it’s not “in use” but to have a calendar with all of your family activities and work stuff would be a huge win for Portal.
Alvin C. commented
Yes please, a Calendar that pulls data from google and microsoft calendar