Auto answer for elderly
Auto answer plz for handicap elderly who confused w remotes and cant remember portal command.
Not alone here on this feature lets get r done

Addicted To Heros commented
thanks anon i was thinking about how i could set alexa to do exactly this!
Anon commented
Auto-answer Facebook Portal - Workaround:
Lisa Pissochet commented
I'm here for the same reason as everyone else - elderly mother with Alzheimer's. She loves her Portal and that I can call her regularly even when I'm away for months at a time. However, she is starting to forget how to answer it. She has never been able to master the Alexa/Portal voice commands and doesn't always press the right button on the screen. The possibility to auto answer, preferably from selected accounts, would mean she could enjoy this for a while longer.
Anonymous commented
This is something very important for elderly and I am as well in the same boat waiting for this feature- currently using Alexa Drop in but would love to move to Meta portal if Auto answer feature is enabled
JDM2005 commented
Same boat - need the portal TV. to auto answer then when disconnecting go back to the TV for my grandma who is bedridden. She could not use the smaller portal we purchased nor the iPad so we just installed the portal TV which she enjoys but cannot use the remote.
Amanda Dowd commented
My elderly (91), chairbound mother has been using the Portal successfully since 2020. However her voice is now weak and the "answer" command is frequently not heard by the Portal. She then tries the touch screen, but with hand tremors, will often miss the relevant on-screen button and end up turning off sound or camera.
Brent Walker commented
I'm anxiously waiting to purchase the portal + but will not proceed until this feature is available. I currently use the Echo Show and want to replace it with portal + for the same reasons many here have mentioned. Dimentia parent and the need to visit with her from a long distance on a larger screen.
Maybe it would be easier if I just ask Amazon to add larger screen sizes? Come on FB. There is a real opportunity here.
Mina Jackson commented
Totally NEED at least the option to enable this. My papa can't remember the command and he has dementia which makes it hard for him to answer me.
Katrina Fox commented
I am here for the same reason as everyone else - l'd prefer to drop in on my mum with Alzheimers - or even if portal could announce - '*** is calling - do want to answer?' other than that i love the device
Nathalie Martin commented
Buy a recorder button so you can record your voice saying "hey portal answer "
Paul Keeley commented
Please auto answer for dementia parents is urgently needed by so many people.
Jayden Dean commented
They should allow authorized users only for auto answer.
Benson Wong commented
Can you use the built-in Alexa to answer a call on the Portal or is Alexa only good for like weather updates and such?
If you can use Alexa to pick up, you could call your grandparent and then send Alexa a text through Alexa app on your phone "Alexa answer call on Facebook Portal". I can do this to change my Nest thermostat remotely by typing "Alexa set temperature to 73".
Would this work? I'm interested in getting Portal for a grandparent as well...
Trevor Baxter commented
Well this was designed by people too young to yet have elderly parents! Once you do you will realise needing to use a tiny remote control with arthritic hands to answer loved ones is going to be a challenge! I suspect this comes from a paranoia about people complaining about privacy however we are not asking for a default setting of auto answer, just an option that can be turned on, potentially just for specific people. Drop in on the echo is so good for this...
Melih commented
I was looking to buy a device with auto answer. This is the reason Facebook Portal is not considered at all.
Yossi Rosenboim commented
My dad has dementia, please add auto answer capability
Thanks ! -
Henri Straforelli commented
Please add the ability to auto-answer from specified contacts. This is a required feature for my parent who has dementia and can not understand how to answer an incoming call request.
Susanne Bush commented
Susanne Bush commented
Ip Sit Wing Simon commented
Auto answer is needed for elderly, dementia, blind or deaf . The workaround is using iPad auto- answer in FaceTime but small screen.