Join ongoing group calls
The ability to click join, to join an ongoing group call. At the moment I have to ask everyone to close chat, and I have to initiate the calls. Whereas on my phone I can simply click 'Join' and be added to an ongoing call, we join and lave the same group call as and when we can during the day, easy.
I bought this device to make family chats easier, but i have to inconvenience everyone because my portal mini doesn't have the 'join ongoing call' function.

Michael Cassamasse commented
This works now on my portal 10in
Sid commented
Add group functionality to portal tv for whatsapp and also allow the device to play music using its own speakers. I feel like this device isnt getting the love it needs from FB
Darren Lui commented
And you can only invite 4 whats app callers!
[Deleted User] commented
Exactly group calls much better using your phone
Dan commented
Can’t believe this isn’t a thing. Wasting time creating Netflix and Chef apps, when he actual Facebook functionality doesn’t work. WTF.
Mark commented
It’s a great shame that I don’t have the box for the camera or I could send it back for a refund! No Zoom, can’t control the magnification, doesn’t recognise my Alexa devices (only from my wife’s account which means I have to change Alexa) and most annoyingly, I couldn’t join a group call with my family as I hadn’t instigated it!
I should have waited for a more efficient company to bring something out -
Craig Hartnell commented
It looks like they're adding it via "Messenger Rooms".
MG commented
This is absurd. I have the Portal TV and if anyone accidentally clicks the X, which happens all the time, you're screwed. If I open Messenger on my cellphone (which is FREE) there is a nice green JOIN button and I'm re-added. Why did I buy this?
Steve Castor commented
it is annoying that you have to reject the incoming call and immediately call that person back from the group call to get them joined in. Bit of a oops on this one Facebook. .