Remove new MOST USED APPS on home page
We own 5 Portals and were purchased to stay in touch with elderly family members and it was great until recently. You changed the home page set up which now has made the contact photo's much much smaller and almost impossible to see the green lite easily anymore. Now, instead of the contact icons being a good size and easy to see for elderly've added an area that takes up almost 50% of the home page saying 'Most Used Apps' which you can't even swipe away or disable!! At least give us that option!! We did NOT need this added as it was very simple already to find 'settings/photos/help' without this taking up so much of the home page. Please go back to the old format or at least give us the option to stick with the original format. Elderly people need things simple and that was the whole point of even buying all of these Portals

Jon Young commented
I totally agree with this !
I bought the Facebook Portal for my 80 year old mum, specically because the product demonstrations showed that the home screen would be a simple display of contacts and NOTHING more !
I am very disappointed to find out the home screen is now cluttered with the 'Most used apps', which will only serve to confuse my elderly mother. -
Charan Langton commented
Why are you making this complicated? I want a clean screen showing only my favorite contacts. Nothing else. The new upgrade is awful. Confusing. My dad can not use it anymore. Depressing as I bought it just for him to call me. Now it just sits there.
There is also the annoying passcode, which is useless for him. I finally figured out how to remove that.
Why are u -
Jamesandlila Stark commented
We couldn't agree more. Meta portal will be going in the garbage if they don't fix this very soon. My elderly parents are too confused by the mostvused apps and tips taking up most of the screen. The reason to purchase this instead of a tablet was to remove everything except the contact icons so they didn't tap anything else and get confused.
Andrew Johnston commented
As a video conference device it's contacts that are important for user experience. Don't lose your primary market for this which is the elderly. Everyone else has phones and tablets!
Barbara Eastley commented
At 95 years old all I want is to have a simple immediate way to call my son. I don't want the screen confused with Tips and Most Used...
Martin 'Elvis' King commented
Couldn't agree more. Annoying and waste of space on the home screen. Please allow the option to remove "most used apps", or revert to the original version with larger favourite icons for the elderly to see them clearly.
Don Hubin commented
Hear, hear! I have my portal display photos when I'm not using it so it serves as a digital picture frame. But the Portal insists on displaying my Most Used Apps, covering more than a quarter of the display. I really have absolutely no need for the reminder of my most used apps.
Tim Barwick commented
Very disapponting!
Paula Barrick commented
I totally agree! My in-laws are having a really hard time. Please go back to the original or at least give us the option.