Sending my portal+ back - Weak decision making to lock the browser against Netflix, when they'd already allowed it previously, and then gave an app on the Portal TV. Also, locking out the camera and microphone browser is a strong statement of protectionism. The decision maker does not have a strategy, so there's nothing to stop other apps/site disappearing in the future. I was nervous regarding Facebooks hatred of personal privacy, but Facebook clearly lack a purpose for this product line as they don't have consistency in their affiliation models, and are therefore not clear on their revenue model for it. Far too unstable.
Beautifully made device, some charming features, but the company lacks decisioning maturity for me too keep it. Customers judge and decide.
Sending my portal+ back - Weak decision making to lock the browser against Netflix, when they'd already allowed it previously, and then gave an app on the Portal TV. Also, locking out the camera and microphone browser is a strong statement of protectionism. The decision maker does not have a strategy, so there's nothing to stop other apps/site disappearing in the future. I was nervous regarding Facebooks hatred of personal privacy, but Facebook clearly lack a purpose for this product line as they don't have consistency in their affiliation models, and are therefore not clear on their revenue model for it. Far too unstable.
Beautifully made device, some charming features, but the company lacks decisioning maturity for me too keep it. Customers judge and decide.