Currently I have an Amazon Alexa for both my grandson and I, however the portal looks as if it would be wonderful to buy for my grandson so I may watch his crazy toddler moves. The set back is that I would need to buy us both a new device if the Portal doesn't work with Amazons Alexa. This is like saying I can only call a person with the same smartphone as I have, technology should be more compatible. You can make this happen Facebook :)
Currently I have an Amazon Alexa for both my grandson and I, however the portal looks as if it would be wonderful to buy for my grandson so I may watch his crazy toddler moves. The set back is that I would need to buy us both a new device if the Portal doesn't work with Amazons Alexa. This is like saying I can only call a person with the same smartphone as I have, technology should be more compatible. You can make this happen Facebook :)