Please enable Alexa drop in
Drop in is a huge feature in our home. I need the drop in feature so I can fully replace my echo. Thanks
Josette commented
In the time of Covid when we can not be with our loved ones in assisted living and nursing homes it would be a joy to our parents with dementia and ourselves to see each other on the biggest screen in the house and home. The Drop-in feature on the echo show is the only way to have a conversation with my mother who just lost her husband of 55 years. She needs full-time care and has to be cared for in a nursing home. Please help us with this feature. Staff in the home continues to accidentally move echo show so I can't even see my Mom. PLEASE enable this feature so that I can see and care for my mother from afar.
Anonymous commented
Need to drop in also
Anonymous commented
Will be returning. I have multiple echo show devices and the drop in is a must. I can check on the kids and my grandma. FB free drop in!!!!!
Donna Wilcox commented
I need the drop in function for elderly aunt that can't push the button to answer
Anonymous commented
This lack of functionality is similar to not being able to customize routines on Amazon Echo. It is a simple function, to be able to drop in on your own Portal via the app. "Yeah, but you can turn off the mic and camera..." yes, yes you can - BUT THEN WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DROP IN ON YOUR OWN FLIPPING PORTAL. <cough> Sorry, it just seems like these folks are too big to care about "little things" like this. I have a Facebook Portal TV (two in fact). I live between two homes. Why can I not "drop in" on either? I can on my Amazon Echos in each room. Is Facebook worried about privacy now? What? I talk to my dogs, yeah I know that may seem weird, but it would be nice to see them too, without having to put Amazon Blink cameras everywhere - which is exactly what I will do if this function doesn't become available soon. But hey, Jeff and Mark are probably together having fun on Epstein's island either way.
T Seto commented
I need "drop in" feature for my dad. He doesn't speak and can't touch a screen. Hence the drop in feature is very important for us to have video calls with him.
R Umpherson commented
I too believe you must add the auto answer feature since I want to use this with an 98 year old parent who does not have the ability to answer. Like with the Alexa, if the caller is enabled to drop-in there should be no issue regards security, liability etc etc...
Joe Gentesse commented
I would really like auto answer
Laurent B. commented
Same I need drop-in in my Facebook portal
Really important missing function -
Fred commented
Not all the request for this feature are under the same subject title. If you add all of the "drop-in" request for the different subjects they are posted under, you will find an extremely large number of people have been requesting this feature.
I believe the total number of request for this feature is larger than any other feature the Portal has been requested to add.
If nothing else, would you please post some kind of date when you believe this feature will be available. A lot of us really need this and want to believe that you will make it available.
The Zoom feature that just became available was only recently requested and although a large number of people did request it, I don't believe the number was as large as for the "drop-in" feature.
PLEASE, allow all of us to believe that you will create this feature with in the next few months.
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I need a drop in feature bc my grandmother is paralyzed and isn't the most comfortable with technology.
Anonymous commented
I need a drop in feature because my father has alzheimers and cannot answer on his own.
Reggie Smith commented
If Portal could make a secure drop in feature, then it would also work well as a remote security camera when I am away from home
Anonymous commented
Switched to Echo Show (super terrible video call quality), because I really really need the Drop-In feature.Still have a Portal+, but it's useless without an auto answer function.
Anonymous commented
If this feature is not added, Im moving to an echo show device.
Anonymous commented
Agree. Many people use portal or in my cade an echo show to deop in on my mom who does not know how to answer otherwise.
Alvin C. commented
Please enable Alexa drop in to FB Portal. So our parents who are bedridden dont need to press anything when we video call.
Lainie commented
Please add this function, it would really increase the use case for this device.
Maureen commented
Please make this feature available soon
Paul Chambers commented
Disappointing to not see any response from facebook on this request.