I love your Portal TV device but I had to take it back because it does not have 'Drop In' function like Echo Show and other Echo devices.
You really need to show people how Portal TV works with their TV's.
i.e. My mother is watching her tv on HDMI 1 and the Portal TV is on HDMI 2 if her son calls her while she is watching tv on HDMI 1 will the Portal TV pop up a message or asked her to answer? If it does and she does answer, will Portal TV auto-switch her to HDMI 2 for the incoming video call? After the call will Portal TV switches her back to HDMI 1 so she can continue to watch TV. If you would create a video to show any of this functionality would make purchasers better understand how Portal TV would really work for them in their day to day lives. Especially now with COVID 19
Because I know I plut the Portal TV into a different HDMI port than the TV does the caller have to call the person on a phone to tell them to switch to the other HDMI port to recieve the video call?
If the Alexa that is built into Portal TV could ask the user if they wanted to answer the video call and ask if they would like to switch back to tv after the call that would be great too.
Show us how this works in real life. your promotional videos make us want it but how do we really use it.

Anonymous commented
Exactly the same issue I have with my 88 year old mum looking tv and also is connected via Portal. I could find zero information about how the call receive function works on a tv...My mum was used to Skype build-in on her tv before Skype pulled the plug as discontinued the feature...a very sad event for all of us and my mum. Now there is hope that the Portal TV will have a feature where the notification of an incoming call will be displayed on the screen and she just has to accept it :) Fingers crossed.