Remote imporvements to especially assist the elderly, and maybe also the not so elderly.
I'm testing a Portal TV to judge its suitability for elderly relatives And would like to make the observations/suggestions. All related to the remote at the moment. :-)
It's small so some with arthritis, who use two hands to operate a TV remote for example, may find it difficult to hold the remote in the one hand and then select the required button with the finger of the other hand. They need something that is substantial enough to grip securely or maybe a non slip surface or skin.
Bear in mind that some of our elderly relatives have not worked in environments that require technology skills and/or maybe getting forgetful and need visual reminders.
Could you print arrows or arrow heads and an OK symbol on the circular selector and the central select button. If one is forgetful and not used to things like an iPod then a circular bit of plastic could be seen as pointless decoration if no use is identified. And to be honest, thinking of some of my friends who wouldn't be considered elderly, some of them would equally struggle.
I'm aware of instances where people can just about answer or make calls on a DECT cordless phone, forget about using the inbuilt contact lists in those phones, so using a portal has to be simple and as familiar to using a phone as possible as that is what FB are promoting these to be an alternative to. See a picture of a contact and press the appropriate button to call. Its got to be that simple.
Could you consider adding a green accept/make call & red end/decline call button on the remote. Maybe add an orange/yellow/blue/whatever accept/make call button so that green would be accept/make voice call only and the other colour, yellow lets say, would make or accept video calls. If they don't get the hang of the make/accept video call button then at least they can make/receive audio calls by pressing the common green button. :-)
Just a thought. Hope that all makes sense.