I've got around 4000 photos I'd like to view in Superframe, shot in RAW on a mirrorless camera and Lightroom on iPhone then developed and exported from Lightroom Classic into a standard folder structure on Windows.
It's hard to see how to get these on Portal+ at the moment. Facebook albums doesn't support bulk upload, let alone sync from a folder, and neither does Instagram. The photos aren't on my camera roll so can't be uploaded from there.
The photos are synced to OneDrive and Amazon Photos already, so support for either of those would be great from my perspective.
Not everyone (particularly enthusiatic photographers) shoots exclusively on mobile and has only a handful of photos that can be manually pushed around...
I've got around 4000 photos I'd like to view in Superframe, shot in RAW on a mirrorless camera and Lightroom on iPhone then developed and exported from Lightroom Classic into a standard folder structure on Windows.
It's hard to see how to get these on Portal+ at the moment. Facebook albums doesn't support bulk upload, let alone sync from a folder, and neither does Instagram. The photos aren't on my camera roll so can't be uploaded from there.
The photos are synced to OneDrive and Amazon Photos already, so support for either of those would be great from my perspective.
Not everyone (particularly enthusiatic photographers) shoots exclusively on mobile and has only a handful of photos that can be manually pushed around...