Extended Superframe Timing Options
More options for timing of Superframe. I would like to be able to display pictures and items all day from, for example, 6:00am to 10:00pm with times settings adjustable.
Kurt Sampson commented
We were very excited to get the portal, and then disappointed when it turned off all the time & there was nothing we could apparently do about it.
Jane Ippoliti commented
Please make slide show longer than one hour.
Yaswanth commented
Would like to see this implemented as soon as possible. I bought the Portal+ to mainly use as an HD photo frame and the video calls as great added benefits. But it is frustrating to have to touch the screen every hour to turn on the display. A big blank display doesn't look pretty on a media setup.
Sad the development team is taking over 2 years to get this addressed.
JoAnn commented
I’m tired of the display not showing my photos! It used to and now it switches over to a big time display- NOT WHAT I WANT! If it doesn’t do what I want it to do, why do I have it? I bet there are other purchase options that give me more control over my OWN device, and maybe I should look into them. You sell us on something and then make changes that we didn’t want, so I hope you understand that current owners will find it hard to recommend your Portal when we are no longer happy with it.
John Bohan commented
I suspect the timeout feature is to manipulate everyone into keeping their camera and mic on so Facebook can watch and listen. It is great to have a picture frame tied to Facebook photos, but I wish it wasn't at the cost of lost privacy.
Jessica commented
I agree with the original comment of being able to use as a digital frame throughout the day without it going to sleep so fast and seeing nothing but a black screen
Steve Vacker commented
Just give us the option so the dang thing does not time out and goes to sleep. The thing just sits there most of the day. I might as well be a good photo frame. DUHHHHH I am taking mine back to Best Buy!
Barbara McAuley commented
I have the same issue. Please change this.
Barbara McAuley commented
Make the superframe screen timeout function customizable. When I use my cooking app, I constantly have to tap the screen to get back to my recipe. the screen timeout to go to Superframe mode is automatic and cannot be changed.
Jason Bolding commented
The needs to be a setting for the length of time the portal waits before the superframe comes on when using the browser. My wife uses the portal in the kitchen to get recipes off the internet. While she is prepping the food the browser goes away and superframe comes up and she has to touch the screen to get the browser to come back up. This is not always easy when your hands are covered with food. I called customer support and they said there was no such setting available.
Joe Benson commented
When I am watching videos on youtube, surfing, the web, etc. and I do not touch the screen for about a minute, Superframe begins. Please give us the ability to extend the time between screen activity and when Superframe begins.