Can we have more traditional stories please
Hi - story time is fast losing relevance with my 2 kids as the new additions are unfortunately quite awful.
The best stories are the original "featured" ones like three little pigs, red riding hood etc. Those had good characters, an interesting plot, good music, adventure, a nice modern twist, and even dancing at the end.
The new ones have no interesting characters, most of them don't even have a plot to speak of (I would describe it less as a story and more of just a random collection of thoughts - like splat, the underwear book)... The foot book for eg is a random outpouring of unfiltered thoughts about something mundane without the saving grace of being funny (I know it's Dr Seuss but it's still rubbish), there are too many stories about belonging and be yourself and general motivational speeches that don't make sense to young kids for the most part due to lack of maturity.
To make matters worse, good stories like Professor Right and half the Otto stories are constantly being removed. why?? Keep them!!
I want to strongly urge us to go back to the tried and tested featured stories, that sample from old fairy tales with a modern twist because the portal is not resonating with my 2 and 4 year old anymore.